RQI Classes in Concord, CA

Join RQI Classes in Concord to improve your resuscitation techniques.

What is RQI?

The American Heart Association’s Resuscitation Quality Improvement (RQI) program is a cutting-edge and efficient way for medical and healthcare professionals in Concord to earn their official BLS, ACLS, and PALS certification cards.

With RQI, getting certified is simple and stress-free. Here’s how it works:

Complete the Online Course at Home: Dedicate a few hours to the interactive online course at your own pace, from the comfort of your home.

Perform the Skills Test with VAM: Head to the testing location to complete your hands-on skills session using the Voice-Assisted Manikin (VAM), which walks you through each step with precision and ease.

Receive Your Certification Card: No waiting! Once you’ve completed the course and skills test, you’ll walk away with your official American Heart Association certification card the very same day.